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Jam with Lauren: Fiddle Curriculum
Module 1: Getting Started
Lesson 1: How to Hold the Violin (3:39)
Lesson 2: Bow Arm Technique (13:16)
Lesson 3: Lauren's Five-String Violin (2:37)
Lesson 4: Introduction to Theory (0:32)
Module 2: Key of A
Lesson 1: Intro to A Major (32:03)
Lesson 2: Bile 'Em Cabbage Down (48:22)
Lesson 3: Little Liza Jane (40:02)
Lesson 4: Hot Cross Buns (4:38)
Lesson 5: Shortnin' Bread (30:47)
Lesson 6: Cripple Creek (27:37)
Lecture 7: Buffalo Gals (36:56)
Lesson 8: Camptown Races (21:20)
Lesson 9: Cindy (27:29)
Module 3: Key of A Mixolydian
Lesson 1: Key of A Mixolydian (15:42)
Lesson 2: Old Joe Clark (35:49)
Lesson 3: Cluck Old Hen (40:02)
Lesson 4: Red Haired Boy (28:20)
Lesson 5: Squirrel Hunters (32:03)
Lesson 6: Salt Creek (43:18)
Module 4: Additional A Tunes
Lesson 1: Miss McLeod's in A (42:26)
Lesson 2: Chinquapin Hunting in A (23:27)
Lesson 3: Practice Tips (4:42)
Module 5: Key of D
Lesson 1: Key of D (23:48)
Lesson 2: Miss McLeod's in D (17:50)
Lesson 3: Angeline the Baker (43:29)
Lesson 4: Lazy John in D (34:01)
Lesson 5: Soldier's Joy (33:16)
Lesson 6: Arkansas Traveler (44:15)
Lesson 7: Buffalo Gals in D (10:21)
Lesson 8: Camptown Races in D (11:10)
Lesson 9: Cindy in D (14:42)
Lesson 10: Whiskey Before Breakfast (43:34)
Lesson 11: Saint Anne's Reel (44:54)
Lesson 12: Chinquapin Hunting in D (23:25)
Lesson 13: Liberty (42:26)
Lesson 14: Midnight on the Water (30:38)
Lesson 15: Fisher's Hornpipe (19:24)
Lesson 16: Forked Deer (42:41)
Lesson 17: Say Darlin' Say (18:56)
Lesson 18: Sugar Babe (20:14)
Lesson 19: Swannanoa Waltz (29:05)
Module 6: Key of G
Lesson 1: Key of G (19:36)
Lesson 2: Miss McLeod's in G (33:24)
Lesson 3: Lazy John in G (10:22)
Lesson 4: The Girl I Left Behind (43:35)
Lesson 5: Temperance Reel (44:50)
Lesson 6: Big Sciota (27:02)
Lesson 7: Leather Britches (25:51)
Lesson 8: Sail Away Ladies (33:17)
Lesson 9: Shove the Pig's Foot a Little Further into the Fire (21:07)
Lesson 10: Seneca Square Dance (21:31)
Lesson 11: Last Chance (35:51)
Lesson 12: Old Carpenter's Waltz (28:34)
Lesson 13: Blackberry Blossom (47:29)
Lesson 14: Wheel Hoss (35:10)
Challenge | Wicked Good Fills
Week 1 | Wicked Good Fills Challenge (49:00)
Week 2 | Wicked Good Fills Challenge
Week 3 | Wicked Good Fills Challenge (44:05)
Week 4 | Wicked Good Fills Challenge
Week 5 | Wicked Good Fills Challenge (41:52)
Week 6 | Wicked Good Fills Challenge
Improvising Challenge: Scales + Chords Edition
Week 1 | Improvising Challenge (55:17)
Week 2 | Improvising Challenge
Week 3 | Improvising Challenge (46:56)
Week 4 | Improvising Challenge
Week 5 | Improvising Challenge (41:53)
Week 6 | Improvising Challenge (30:15)
Challenge | Bowing
Week 1 | Bowing Challenge (43:19)
Week 2 | Bowing Challenge
Week 3 | Bowing Challenge (39:07)
Week 4 | Bowing Challenge
Week 5 | Bowing Challenge (37:31)
Week 6 | Bowing Challenge
*BONUS* Module 7: Cross Tuning Your Fiddle to AEAE
Lesson 1: How to Cross Tune (38:30)
Lesson 2: Breaking Up Christmas (47:24)
Lesson 3: Walk Along John to Kansas (39:41)
Lesson 4: Booth Shot Lincoln (22:05)
*BONUS* Module 8: More Techniques
Lesson 1: Chord Voicings (0:29)
Lesson 2: A Chord (14:24)
Lesson 3: B Minor Chord (9:16)
Lesson 4: C Chord (9:19)
Lesson 5: D Chord (11:40)
Lesson 6: E Major Chord (11:54)
Lesson 7: E Minor Chord (11:51)
Lesson 8: G Chord (10:32)
Lesson 9: Voice Leading (17:55)
*BONUS* Module 9: Grooves
Lesson 1: What's a Groove? (1:30)
Lesson 2: Shuffle Bowing (10:02)
Lesson 3: The 1/4/7 Groove (4:55)
Lesson 4: The 1/3/6 Groove (1:54)
*BONUS* Module 10: Major Scales Workbook Explanations and Practice
Download the Major Scale Workbook
Lesson 1: C Major (23:31)
Lesson 2: G Major (16:46)
Lesson 3: D Major (14:14)
Lesson 4: A Major (13:36)
Lesson 5: F Major (10:28)
Lesson 6: Bb Major (14:03)
*BONUS* Module 11: Extras
Lesson 1: Strumming on Your Fiddle (2:16)
Lesson 2: Jam Etiquette (3:53)
Lesson 3: Endorsements (2:18)
*BONUS* Module 12: Play-Along Tracks
Angeline the Baker
Arkansas Traveler
Big Sciota
Boil 'Em Cabbage Down
Buffalo Gals in A
Buffalo Gals in D
Camptown Races in A
Camptown Races in D
Cindy in A
Cluck Old Hen
Cripple Creek
Fisher's Hornpipe
Leather Britches
Little Liza Jane
Midnight On The Water
Miss McLeod's Reel in A
Miss McLeod's Reel in D
Miss McLeod's Reel in G
Old Carpenter's Waltz
Old Joe Clark
Red Haired Boy
Sail Away Ladies
Saint Anne's Reel
Say Darlin' Say
Seneca Square Dance
Shortnin' Bread
Shove the Pig's Foot a Little Further into the Fire
Sugar Babe
Temperance Reel
The Girl I Left Behind Me
Whiskey Before Breakfast
*BONUS* Module 13: Facebook Live Sessions
Learn Jerusalem Ridge / Bluegrass Instrumental // 05.31.23 (63:06)
Kerfunken Jig in D Major / Celtic vs American Styles // 05.09.23 (45:14)
Bowing Challenge Weeks 5+6 // 03.28.23 (37:31)
Bowing Challenge Weeks 3+4 // 03.16.23 (39:07)
Bowing Challenge Weeks 1+2 / Double Stop Pinky Exercise // 02.28.23 (43:19)
Grey Owl Tune / Part B & Chords // 02.16.23 (38:32)
Shifting Exercises / Learn Grey Owl A part / Syncopation Explanation // 02.02.23 (43:33)
Intonation / Drone Work / Metronome // 01.19.23 (40:13)
Queen’s “Thank God It’s Christmas” with a Chord Chart PDF // 12.08.22 (41:58)
Soloing Ideas with Scales based off Challenge // 11.17.22 (30:15)
Chords + Scales = Solos! Challenge Weeks 5&6 // 11.03.22 (41:53)
Chords + Scales = Solos! Challenge Weeks 3&4 // 10.20.22 (46:56)
Chords + Scales = Solos! Challenge Weeks 1&2 // 10.06.22 (55:17)
Ghosting and LH ornaments on “Midnight on the Water” // 09.22.22 (49:56)
Taught “John Rice”/ G Major fingerboard / Chord Voicing Decisions // 09.08.22 (46:23)
Physical Stretches & Exercises / Big Entrance for Soloing // 08.25.22 (51:27)
Jam! With tips for participation // 08.05.22 (44:12)
Introducing the Key of G ebook with Temperance Reel // 07.20.22 (51:34)
Bow Arm Strokes / Intonation / Transposing for Jams // 06.16.22 (54:54)
Clarity: String Crossings / Scales / Bowing / Metronome // 05.31.22 (47:40)
Nitty Gritty of the Flexible Bow Hold for Optimal Tone // 05.17.22 (41:17)
How Lauren Learns a New Tune // 05.03.22 (48:29)
Pentatonic Scales / “Five String Tunes” // 04.12.22 (42:02)
Shifting- How and Why / Bow Direction in ¾ Waltz Time // 03.29.22 (43:48)
Bowing! / Tips for Efficient Practice // 03.15.22 (45:38)
WGF Challenge Weeks 5&6 (Don’t This Road Look Rough and Rocky) // 03.01.22 (41:52)
WGF Challenge Weeks 3&4 (Thanks A Lot) // 02.15.22 (44:05)
WGF Challenge Weeks 1&2 / How to Record in Garage Band // 02.01.22 (49:00)
Key of F / Melody in a diff octave / Visual vs Auditory Learning / Double Shuffle // 01.18.22 (46:08)
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen in E minor w Chord Chart PDF // 12.07.21 (43:33)
Key of F / Closed Hand Shape / Second Position / Subdivision // 11.23.21 (51:38)
Improvising Challenge Weeks 10&11 (Brenda Stubbert's Reel) // 11.09.21 (44:05)
Improvising Challenge Weeks 8&9 / LH Pinky Technique // 10.26.21 (45:49)
Improvising Challenge Weeks 6&7 / Tune by Ear // 10.12.21 (40:23)
Improvising Challenge Weeks 4&5 / Double Stops // 09.29.21 (41:40)
Improvising Challenge Weeks 2&3 / Liza Jane & Raivlin Reel // 09.15.21 (47:59)
Improvising Challenge Introduction (47:58)
WGF with Don’t This Road Look Rough and Rocky / Chart & Audio // 08.18.21 (49:10)
Learn “Old Home Place” with Key of D eBook // 07.15.21 (49:51)
Sugar Babe in G / Transposition / Chord Voicings Missing Melody Note // 06.30.21 (44:41)
How To Find the Beat / Variations & Solos / Tone Production // 06.16.21 (43:21)
Ghost Notes / Mississippi Sawyer / Camp Prep Jam // 06.01.21 (36:43)
Groove with Soldier’s Joy / Five7 Chord // 05.18.21 (41:27)
Skillz Challenge Week 7 / Tenor & Baritone on Fiddle & Banjo // 05.04.21 (44:54)
Skillz Challenge Weeks 5&6 / C Shape / How To Increase Tempos // 04.20.21 (51:11)
Skillz Challenge Week 4 / Capo Explanation / G Shape on Banjo // 04.06.21 (52:18)
Skillz Challenge Weeks 1-3 / Fingerboard / Transposition / Temperance & Liberty Jam // 03.23.21 (53:20)
A Major Scale & Range / Jam Session! // 03.09.21 (49:25)
Bow Angles / A Natural Minor Scale / Learn ‘Cousin Sally Brown’ // 02.23.21 (55:59)
E Natural, Harmonic & Melodic Scales / Learn ‘Dragonship’ from Vasen // 01.26.21 (50:21)
Learn ‘Blackest Crow’ / Performance Anxiety & Nerves // 01.12.21 (54:55)
Learn Jingle Bells in 3 Part Harmony / Bowing / Grooves & Chops // 12.15.20 (42:26)
Learn ‘Lost Girl’ // 11.17.20 (46:15)
Learn ‘Julianne Johnson’ / LH Pinky Tech + Stretches / Bow Hair Tension // 11.03.20 (54:29)
String Brands / Practice Groove / Learn ‘Ida Red’ // 10.20.20 (50:09)
Double Stop Intonation / 136/147 Grooves / Learn ‘Sandy River Belle’ // 10.06.20 (47:01)
Learn ‘Bucking Mule’ / Fall Tune Challenge // 09.22.20 (51:52)
Bow Hold Exercises / Sing & Play with A Major / Learn ‘Red Prairie Dawn’ // 09.08.20 (46:35)
R+LH Technique for Lower Strings / Clean String Crossings / Learn ‘Salt Spring’ // 08.28.20 (45:17)
Chopping Lesson / Increase Tempos / Figure out the Key // 08.12.20 (32:52)
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Lesson 9: Cindy
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